Let's See...the Chicken or the Egg?
Albeit there is a plethora of examples within the city limits of New Albany that could be and indeed have been sighted for the arrogant behavior of elected officials, I couldn’t help but notice the apparent spread of the disease.
An article in today’s Tribune affirms that this assumption of omnipotence is not isolated to just our river town. http://www.news-tribune.net/local/local_story_226095551.html
The subject at hand was concerning the widening of a street in the Parkland Heights subdivision in Greenville. Some of the residents were voicing their displeasure of the how the project was handled and were consummately rebuked for doing so.
In expressing his displeasure for homeowners having removed survey stakes from in front of their homes, Council President Richardson is quoted as saying;
“I was willing to look at the situation, but when they took those signs up, it did you no good,”
“I’m in favor of going ahead with this (project) because I will not be intimidated.”
But Richardson was not yet done!
Cherry asked how many of those who supported the project lived on the street where the widening was taking place. Richardson then told Cherry he was not allowed to speak because he was not on the agenda.
The conversation continued until Board Vice President Johnes expressed his frustration at the Council’s supreme authority being questioned by stating what he and other elected officials seem to view as a given;
“You elect representatives. This is not a democracy; it is a republic,” he said. “If you want to see something done differently, you should run for office yourselves.”
For some odd reason, all of these statements carry a familiar ring but I’m having difficulty putting my finger on it. Hmmmm….OH YEAH!
I seem to have heard these self same proclamations offered up by various members of our very own Council right here in New Albany on occasion!
Do tell!!
In staying in rote with the playbook, on yet another road widening plan involving State Highway 150 Richardson took the exact opposite position.
He said the highway will be shut down for two years and could cause many of the town’s businesses to go bankrupt.
Once again, familiar ring tones.
So let’s see if I understand correctly how this works. Citizens are allowed to speak only so long as their views do not contradict the already decided upon position of the governing body. So much for freedom of speech and the open door laws.
Further, even though the municipalities in question are hard pressed for funds, any assistance from outside that dares to improve the local conditions in any manner, be it State funds, commercial benefactor grants, Federal Government grants, or private investment is to be assumed as detrimental to said recipients without further ado.
To be fair I must confess that my only knowledge of Greenville and its specific situation is what I read in the local papers and hear at the water fountain. However, one could safely insert New Albany, or Floyd County or Indianapolis or even Washington DC in the article and read the same expose.
Apparently there must be some late night prerequisite courses for our elected leaders that I’m unaware of. Perhaps I missed too many days of government class when I was in school.
Can anyone enlighten me on this??
Are these yet another series of published public meetings that never get published?
Closing questions as the November election looms near and as 2011 gets ever closer that befuddle me.
Does this status quo type of government really serve the needs of its constituents?
Are the long term results of such the lasting legacy we choose to leave our prodigy?
Can we really look our grandkids in the eye as we tuck them in and say sweet dreams?
Does either or for that matter any political party really give a rats' a..?
And last but not least, dare we get off our duffs and find our way to the poll booths in sufficient numbers to change that behavior??
Labels: Greenville; The News Tribune; New Albany; govvernment
Right on, Highwayman.
I, too, was struck by the arrogance, the sense of entitlement, of the prototypical "representative" who disdained public comment.
Thank you, sir, for drawing attention to this gross violation of the much-lamented "comity" so revered by certain progressives.
One hopes that a true progressive would understand that "comity" doesn't trump doing the right thing.
and thanks for tuning into what was a great show. Dontcha think?
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