What Is There For Kids To Do In New Albany??
This question was asked by a parent at a meeting I attended earlier this week and it occurred to me that I did not know. Apparantly no one else in the room did either for as far as I know, the lady never got an answer. Her queary was a valid one however following a presentation about street gangs and how they prey on our young people. She's looking for ways to protect her kids by finding safe ways and places to expel their pent up energy but like many of us, she doesn't know who to ask or what to ask for. I'm sure she is not alone in this quest.
This got to bugging me as I was waiting against a dock to get unloaded this morning, so I started by going thru the phone book.
I found that we have a Boys & Girls Club on Ekin Avenue that serves children ages 5 thru 18 from 9AM to 5PM Monday thru Friday. I was unable to get any more info on what this program consists of, but I left a message and was promised a return call. Their phone number is 944-4343 if anyone is interested in follow up. If you have additional info, please share!
Then when I got home, I went online to the parks department webpage http://nafcparks.org/Landingpage.htm and found this link: http://nafcparks.org/2006summerfunguide.pdf !
It seems that there are a myriad of summer activities for young people if one takes a little time to research.
If anyone else knows of other free or affordable activities, post 'em in the comments section and we'll spread the word!
This has been a public service announcement from your freindly Highwayman!