Sunday, June 18, 2006

Woe be unto us all....!!

Chicken little was correct. The sky is falling, Armageddon approacheth, and nuclear holocaust is surely enroute! Of these facts there is irrefutable proof in todays edition of the CJ;

Scribner project considered a catalyst New Albany rebirth sought
By Ben Zion Hershberg

Concerning the impact that Scribner Place will have on downtown New Albany, Counciman Dan Coffey is quoted as saying "I think it will be limited" but then follows with "I could be wrong"

WHAT?? Dan the man admitting in print that he may be mistaken?? This is sure to rock the universe as we know it and will probably cause the earth to shift a few degrees on its axis!

But what am I to do?? I was long ago asked by the elders to resign my position in my home church, I don't have a fallout shelter buried in my backyard, and as sturdily built as it is, I doubt that my 80 year old home will withstand the heavens falling on it. I'm totally unprotected on all fronts!!

On the plus side I'll no longer have to worry about global warming! When life hands you lemons, MAKE LEMONADE!

I'll just spend my remaining few moments in this incarnation drinking said lemonade content in the knowledge that I was here long enough to see at least one of the Gang of Four admit a chink in their armor!

See you all on the other side!


At Sun Jun 18, 02:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm starting my own church. You can join, if you want. It will be like one of Max Robespierre's "Temples of Reason," without the guillotines...and with Guiness on tap.

The Right Reverend Roz

At Sun Jun 18, 08:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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