Just For the Fun of it.....
I had every intention of going to The Keg's final beer tasting of the year last evening so late in the afternoon I called Rog to see if he was going to be there.
As luck would have it, he said he was getting ready to phone to inform me about Frank Thackery's retirement bash at the BBC Taproom and inquire if I was interested in going. While I've never attended IUS as a student, I've been drinking beer with Prof.'s Thackery, Sloss, Newman, and others for nearly as long as Richo's has been open so I said Hell Yeah!
I'd also never been to the Taproom so I picked Roger up at the Pub and proceeded across the river to imbibe & visit. We arrived early, grabbed a couple of pints, & commenced munching on the pizzas we'd carried over with us. Jon and Ed showed up a short time later, ordered another round and we had a nice quite visit. (I know Ed, quiet is relative)
Eventually Jake, Bob & Mindy, and the others wandered in, we mingled for a while and then elected to roam back to the Public House for another pint before going home.
Somewhere between pints two & three Bluegill and his friend Roy popped in and I knew it was going to be a long night.
Jon & Ed checked out but the rest of us remained and had one of the most enjoyable evenings I've had this entire year. It was the first time in probably two years that I've been there with Roger that late as both of us rarely hang out there at night anymore.
For me it was refreshing and reminicent of days gone by consuming great beer and conversing with friends both old and new.
Thanks guys & gals! We need to do it more often.