Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ho Hum...Are We There Yet?....Elector Please!!

This evenings Common Council meeting was blas'e at best and boring at worst. There was no Lakota Souix Holy Man to give the invocation so the routine was followed without preamble.

Following the Pledge, the minutes were quickly dispensed with as were CF1 forms approval, Communications from City Officials, the Mayor, and Committee Reports (there were none).

Communications from the public consisted of Ted Fulmore Speaking encourage them to approve the paperwork for R-07-40 (Authorizing a Matching Grant from Preserve America), and Lloyd Wimp asking for support and passage of G-07-15 (the Animal Control Ordinance). Both of which later passed without objection. (sometimes we just get lucky.)

Also approved was R-047-38 which addressed a tax abatement for Luckmeier Industrial Mold & Machine Co., Inc. Following questions about the number of potential jobs that would result from this expansion and brief discussion of the tax implications involved, this Resolution was amended to allow five years of relief as opposed to ten as originally proposed. Miraculously, this followed the precedent that was set at the last preceding Council Meeting. ( Again, occasionaly luck prevails.)

A-07-30 (an appropriation ordinance allowing Animal Control to use a Grant they have received) and A-07-31(approval to use LRS funds for paving our streets) were passed with little to no fanfare.

G-07-16 (an ordinance concerning Garbage & Refuse) was pulled from the agenda with no explanation expressed or implied. I learned after the fact that it had been rejected by the Board of Works. (now the lucky streak is starting to scare me.)

G-07-17 was the hotspot of the evening. It was an ordinance to replace the present Sewer Board with one that meets the Indiana Code requirements. It's introduction led to as near a heated debate as we were subjected to this night. CM Coffee was flashing around in his hot little hands a 27 page copy of the specific statute and singing its praises. (he swears that he went online and secured the aforementioned) CM Kochert and Zurchmeide on the other hand were expressing caution and concern about the administration having a free hand in the appointments to said board. Following a short bit of bantering back & forth, this one also passed on the first reading.

Then came G-07-15 (the Animal Control Ordinance) which passed 2nd and 3rd readings with no debate. (by now, I've broken out into a cold sweat)

Lastly there was the Vacating of a Public Way which was dispensed with quickly.

There being no further business, thankfully the gavel dropped and my cohort in crime and I retreated to the Speakeasy for a pint or two or three of Elector! (WHEW!! that was too close for comfort!)

Sleep well New Albany, for tomorrow is another day!


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