Sunday, February 05, 2006

Urgent Response Needed for Toll Road Issue

The Governor of our fair state is proposing to lease control of the Indiana Toll Road to a foreign entity/entities. I personally think it is not only stupid but a dangerous precedent to allow any public infrastructure to be controlled by any foreign anything. Once it starts, where is it going to end?? Definitely not a good plan for any reason.

This proposal has already passed the state house of representatives and is on it's way to the Senate. If we are to have any chance to stop it, we need to call and write our elected government oficials NOW!!

Here is a copy of an Email that I sent to the Governor today;

Please be advised that as a CDL holder, an Indiana voter, and a citizen of these United States of America, I am adamantly against the sale, leasing, or in any other fashion transfering control of any public infrastructure to any foreign entity regardless of the reason.

I feel that the precedent endangers not only our short term security but our long term soveirgnty as a free nation.

Please reconsider your stance on this issue and find another way to accomplish your goals.

Sincerely,Lloyd Wimp
New Albany, IN

What follows are links to our elected officials website and/or Email addresses;,William%20C.h72d

It may be that in my old age I am just getting antsy or I just no longer trust that government at any level has our best interest at heart. Nevertheless I cannot stress enough how dangerous a precendent I feel this sets for our future as a free nation!

Please call or write your representatives ASAP!


At Sun Feb 05, 09:26:00 PM, Blogger edward parish said...

Lloyd run from your house, the black SUV's and helicopters are circling your neighborhood.

Seriously, this all is just more of the GOP and the ultra riches plan to outsource America one piece at a time. For those that voted for Gov. Daniels and then read a few days later that he would do away with collective bargaining for state workers, they got what they voted for.

Same thing has happened on a smaller scale right here in NA with some of our friends right behind the Mayor. We all have our own feelings and opinions, on this I back the workers no matter what.

Progressive thinking does not always mean outsourcing work and doing away with hard earned pensions just to keep a few at the top happy or looking good for another year on the books.

How many that read this blog wish now that they would have voted for the Riverboat to be at the end of State Street? I'll save you the trouble, many that so not wish to eat crow.

Yeah I'm union, you don't like it, be thankful that the unions stood up to the rich owners years ago and said enough. If it were not for the unions, most of you that have an eight to five job with perks would not have them today if it were not for people standing up for rights of ALL workers, just not labor.

History IS repeating itself right now with workers and companies, look around. You my be next.
That's it, I'm finished.

At Sun Feb 05, 09:28:00 PM, Blogger edward parish said...

That is might be next. oops

At Mon Feb 06, 06:54:00 PM, Blogger jon faith said...

I tend to agree with of these sentiments; there has been an equilibrium between efficiency, infrastructure and secuirty - the last of which might be better understood in the context that people with limited means and abilities might be afforded meaningful employment or maybe we'll sell our own souls, watch reality tv and buy memoirs off of Amazon.


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