Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mind Bogglers....

In the letters section of today's Tribune was a piece entitled "Ode to stolen trash can"

It got me to pondern' about the odd things over the years that have either been stolen from me or someone I know.

Trash cans for example. Why steal 'em when many folks around won't even make the effort to use them? Drive down any alley in any city and you'll see mounds of trash bags piled up around perfectly good empty trash cans. But then it does require the efffort to open the lid to deposit said bag inside doesn't it.

Or mops & mop buckets. It seems that every shop I've ever worked in had a chronic shortage of both these items. Finally after months of beggging, we would get a new supply of buckets, wringers, mop heads, and handles and they would last about two weeks. The mystery was why steal them because most folks would rather wade through a greasy bay than pick up a mop and clean it.

But wait! Perhaps therein is the answer. No mops & buckets, no way to do it!

Shop rags I understood for they can be used for a variety of purposes. For instance, flags for overlength loads of lumber, emergency bandages, or in a pinch even baby diapers. But the wooden spools from toilet paper dispensers?? That one still baffles me.

Or one of my all time favorites. A friend of mine used to use those cheap green paper tarps to cover his seedbeds in the spring. He'd cut holes in them to allow the seedlings to grow through but it held moisture in until they took off. He would invariably have half of them stolen every year.

Tarps with holes in them! HUH???

I know that desperate times call for desperate measures but some things make one wonder. Are we really in the 21st century?

I suppose the only sane question is Why ask Why?


At Sat Dec 15, 02:43:00 PM, Blogger Jeff Gillenwater said...

If you happen to see a recycling bin with a hole in the bottom and our address on it, please return it.

Apparently, one of the people who usually takes our recyclable materials before the truck shows up forgot to bring their own container a few weeks ago.

At Sun Dec 16, 11:56:00 PM, Blogger Christopher D said...

I about died as I read that letter to the editor!
Now you KNOW the economy is going south when theives are forced to boost trash and its containers!

At Mon Dec 17, 10:43:00 AM, Blogger Iamhoosier said...

It ain't about the economy. Where do you think Erika gets her(their)ideas for posting from?


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