Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Forward Ho!!

It seems that an issue of common interest has appeared before us at long last. That being how to deal with the out of control run down residential housing throughout our community. Many of us have finally realized that although the blight is worse in some areas than in others, it degrades the whole in terms of safety, property values, and how we are seen by the outside world.

The topic has generated enough interest over the past few weeks that a public forum http://cityofnewalbany.blogspot.com/2006/03/this-just-in-neighborhood-forum.html has been scheduled for April 4, 2006.

I hope that the public as well as the city councilmen will turn out in force to exchange ideas and form a plan to constructively address the problem. Property inspection and code enforcement is needed and " the till is empty" is too lame an excuse to even waste breath on. This is one that we can't afford to not move forward on.

Come one/ come all and please bring fresh, positive ideas with you. Let's leave what used to be at home and look instead at what is currently versus what can and must be in the future.

See you there!


At Tue Mar 14, 10:20:00 PM, Blogger The New Albanian said...

Thanks for helping to get the word out.

At Thu Mar 16, 07:45:00 PM, Blogger edward parish said...

Minister of the lorries, buy the property at 715 East Market and save it from the slum lords.


At Fri Mar 17, 02:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir Highwayman,
Greetings and a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you.

I must say, I am not hopeful for the results of your request to be good. Indeed, I am not hopeful for fresh ideas or constructive dialogue to be brought forth by most of my fellow New Albanians/Floyd Countians. I do hope for it though and I realize we have to try.

Why am I so down?

Well, I am embarrassed. Yes, embarrassed by those we have elected to sit on the NA City Council! I am ashamed that we have been so apathetic that we allow these unqualified "good ol' boys" to represent us and run our city! It's our fault...my fault and I'm embarrassed.

I am also embarrassed that a bunch of sub-literate, close-minded, inaffective preservers of the dismal status quo claim to be speaking for me!!

To them I say, "NO WAY!! Quit waisting time engaging in underhanded political assaults and pointless character assassinations and DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE!"

To them I say, "If you are affraid to do something that is right, just because it may cost you votes from your constituents, then EDUCATE YOUR CONSTITUENTS."

Oh...silly me...I forgot: In order to educate, one must be educated.

Well then, I would also say to the CMs, "if you don't know enough to educate your constituents, then GET YOURSELF EDUCATED!" "If not, then why do you hold a public office? Hhhhmmmmm?"

OK Highwayman...I feel a little better, but I still feel that we may be beating our heads against a wall here. So, in true Celtic spirit, let us raise a pint to our success and press on!

Roz Tate

At Fri Mar 17, 07:49:00 PM, Blogger Highwayman said...

Ed, If only I were able to. Trust me, the thought has crossed my mind.

At Fri Mar 17, 07:56:00 PM, Blogger Highwayman said...

Roz, I feel your pain. Unfortunately, a head on assault isn't going to work against this foe. As repulsive as it is, we are going to have to learn their tactics and get more proficient at using them than they are. Sounds like fun huh!

In the meantime, hoist a pint to Saint Patrick and I'll see you at the pub tomorrow!

At Sat Mar 18, 01:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so it was written...and so it was done.



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