Saturday, February 03, 2007

Thanks Randy!!!

My hat's off to Randy Smith for his article (the first in a series) in yesterday's Tribune letters offering.

I found it to be well thought out, well said, and right on target.

It says volumns to me about our political field of registered and yet to be registered candidates when none of them save Steve Price, has yet to take a public stance on any of the numerous issues New Albany faces as this election cycle approaches. Albeit I disagree with CM Price's premise, he is nontheless stating his position. If any others have, I regret to say I missed it.

Yet Mr. Smith comes forward with a platform of ideas that are a part of everyday conversation of any who are paying attention to our current conditions in this city.

For this he will surely be chagrined by many for daring to do so. In fact on one blogsite he already has.

However I applaude him for his offering to the conversation and look forward to the remainder of the series.

Bravo Randy! Keep 'em coming!!


At Sun Feb 04, 02:11:00 PM, Blogger Christopher D said...

I find it disheartening that when some one local actually steps up to plate and puts out in a public forum what we have all been saying all along, that he is instantly villified.
The non-stop nay sayers automatically start calling for heads to roll, where is funding coming from, where is that coming from, what about this and that. That is exactly the type of behavior of the behalf of the constituency of this city that has led to this chronic stagnation of both of political system, as well as the city itself.
It just doesnt make much sense to me at all.

At Sun Feb 04, 05:34:00 PM, Blogger Ann said...

I think Randy put a lot of good ideas out there for us all to cogitate on. I doubt we will all be in agreement on all points, but it's well-put and well written.

I'd certainly prefer that there be more unity among the constituents instead of discord. It doesn't serve any of us well.

At Mon Feb 05, 10:09:00 AM, Blogger Highwayman said...

I agree with both of you that we would be more effective as constituents if we could agree to disagree with a little more grace and learn to look beyond the past & deal with the now and how best to proceed forward.

How we got here is no longer relevant. How we get out of this disfunction is imperative!

At Tue Feb 06, 04:00:00 PM, Blogger Roz Tate said...

Dissagree Highwayman!

Whether it be on an international, a national, state or local level, understanding how we got to where we are is the only way to FULLY understand our present situation and future possibilities.

I have devoted my life to this truth.

At Tue Feb 06, 08:29:00 PM, Blogger Highwayman said...


I understand and to a point agree with what you are saying.

However, once we identify the origin it behooves us to move on.

To use the past repeatedly as an excuse for not going forward is the waste of time & energy that I find so apathetic.

At Tue Feb 06, 10:32:00 PM, Blogger Roz Tate said...

We shouldn't use the past as an excuse for stagnation, just as a guide for "what not to do" and "what might work, given changes in circumstances, modern advancements, etc..."

To ignore it completely, well, ask Hitler how that worked for him in the end.


At Wed Feb 07, 04:48:00 PM, Blogger G Coyle said...

Agree 100% Roz! Keep up the good fight!


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