Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is It Just Me or Is It Getting Hot 'round Here?

Well boys 'n girls, it appears that election season is upon us once again. Candidates, potential and otherwise are strategizin' and jostling for position.

Self proclaimed "Progressive-Not bound by traditional ways or beliefs" Steve Price has his own blogsite : ,

And many other names are being bandied about for both Common Council & Mayoral positions. The one constant is that none, other than CM Price and he only vaguely, are being publically forthcoming as to what their intentions or platform consists of. It would appear they all went to the same school as the party leaders of our community, "Speak not at all and smile a lot"

So how are we to make informed decisions about whom to vote for? Oh, that's right, we aren't. We are to just blindly follow tradition and vote for the incumbent. Barring that, they'd just as soon we didn't bother to show up at the polls.

Not that this has been either publically or officially stated, mind you. That would require a statement of position and again we haven't heard any.

So again readers, I implore you to read the lines, read between the lines, and if you are not registered to vote, by all means do so. Then after you have verified that you are indeed registered in the precinct in which you currently live (as opposed to the one you lived in prior to moving) , continue to read, ask candidates hard questions, demand honest answers, analyze it all, and ultimetly GO TO THE POLLS & VOTE! Vote 'till it hurts.

To clarify my comment about follow up of your registration, when you change your physical address, even if you were previously registered, your status will not be automatically updated. You must verify your current status and make sure you aren't registered in more than one location. If you are, your vote will be VOID! They will gleefully toss it out the window onto that evergrowing pile of trash in the alley.

Above all, remember this. For most recent elections, only 25% or less of the legally registered eligible voters have bothered to do so. In real life terms, that equates to 1 out of 4 are making decisions that 100% of us have to live with until the next election cycle rolls around. The political machine is more than happy with these figures because they can easily influence enough of that 25% to vote their way without breaking a sweat. I on the other hand, am not happy with 1/4 of the population dictating the lifestyles of the other 3/4 of us.

A disclaimer here. I, at this point, am not expousing one party nor one candidate over the other. Vote your conscience, vote they way Grandpa did, vote straight, vote split, or best of all be an informed voter, but vote nonetheless.

Responsible citizenship! I know, I know! It's a bitch, but it is the ONLY sure way you have a voice in the who and how your government works! It's like going to the dentist or that boring ass job you have to face when you climb out of bed every morning, just put down your purse and DO IT! You will thank yourself afterwards.

Welcome to the furnace!


At Wed Jan 10, 04:45:00 PM, Blogger Iamhoosier said...

"Mine eyes have seen the glory..."

I thought a little music would help get your vital point across.

You are correct. Even if you don't know who to vote for, vote anyway. It will scare the hell out of the establishment. They depend on small turnouts so they can shepherd their followers to the polls.

At Thu Jan 11, 01:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Price...a true


Perhaps he will become known as the founder of the "reprogressive party!"

At Thu Jan 11, 11:18:00 PM, Blogger Christopher D said...

Thought I would drop by and check out your blog.
I may also be one of those pie in the sky hopefuls that throwns his hat in the ring. I will be determining that decision over this weekend. Of course it will be a VERY tough fight against an veritible fixure in the city county building such as his majesty, the king of the council LK.
One thing I have to say a price, even if it is an election season illusion, he is communicating, and fairly rapidly.Which in fact is a whole lot more than we can say about any other political hopefuls out there.
My determination to or no to is at this point basically hindging on whether or not I want to run against Mr. Alton whom we met and were speaking with at the NAC meet and greet. I like what he has to say, I like his ideologies.
I would like to post a link to your blog when I update the sidelines though if you dont mind.

At Thu Jan 11, 11:50:00 PM, Blogger Highwayman said...


Thanks for stopping by and feel free to add my name to your links.

Also, welcome to the circus if you decide to run. As I've said often of late, we need new blood in our local government at all levels.

At Fri Jan 12, 12:33:00 AM, Blogger John Alton said...


I'll tell you what, we're friends, and if you want to run, I will not file for office, and if you so choose, you can feel free to use my ideas. I'm all about teamwork and I'm perfectly willing to step aside in support of you. I think we see "eye to eye" on a lot of issues and maybe some of my views could be incorporated in. Maybe if we got a team together, put together a unified front/platform, with you as our candidate the reign of King Larry can come to an abrupt ending. Bringing down the virtual monarchy of King Larry is just the beginning. What and who will be on the Republican horizon come November? A united team with a unified vision and purpose would be hard to beat. As a team, we must go into this with the intention of winning...not just making a statement. You know, "Veritible fixtures" have been known to short out after years of wear and tear, and then they need to be replaced, and this one is 23+ years old...time to go!

At Sat Jan 13, 09:49:00 AM, Blogger Ann said...


It ALWAYS hurts me when I vote, but usually not until about 9 pm or so that same evening : )

At Sat Jan 13, 02:12:00 PM, Blogger Highwayman said...

I feel your pain!


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